Xenforo is a professional community software developed by Kier Darby and Mike Sullivan. XenForo prides itself not only in its vast array of innovative social engagement features, but also in its superior quality stability. XenForo makes it easy to keep your community visitors and customers coming back again and again by allowing easy, intuitive, interaction. XenForo also features a state of the art administrative panel streamlined for ease of use. Ease of use, however, does not mean a lack of power. For example, XenForo has a unique, powerful, permissions system allowing the full customization of permissions down to the individual user. XenForo's ease of use is unmatched, allowing anyone from the most experienced developer to someone with absolutely no coding experience to style, set-up, and manage their community.
XenForo offers a free demo and an active customer forum to help you explore whether XenForo is right for your business or community.